Thematic networks to compile and share knowledge ready for practice
The Expected Outcome of the proposal is to support the European Green Deal and EU climate policy by sharing practical knowledge in a farmer-friendly language. This knowledge aims to address the needs, challenges, and opportunities faced by primary producers in agriculture and forestry. The proposal also aims to accelerate innovation, improve sustainability, and enhance the Agriculture Knowledge and Innovation Systems (AKIS). Despite funding scientific projects, there is a gap in integrating research findings into practical farming and forestry. The proposal seeks to bridge this gap by promoting knowledge exchange at the EU level. The project’s goals include modernizing the agriculture sector, collecting and sharing practical knowledge, maintaining long-term knowledge, fostering information flow among farmers, and promoting user acceptance of solutions.
The scope of the proposal involves summarizing and sharing best practices and research findings relevant to EU policy objectives, describing current farming/forestry practices, delivering user-friendly materials, and providing information to key dissemination channels. It also emphasizes the ‘multi-actor approach’ with a balanced consortium and encourages cross-fertilization through sub-networks to reach and engage targeted farmers and foresters effectively. The project should run for a minimum of 3 years.
Contact us if you are interested in joining our consortium 👇
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21 rue Jean Rostand 91400 Orsay, France