Biodiversity thematic networks to compile and share knowledge ready for practice
The expected outcomes of the project are as follows:
- Support the modernization of the agriculture sector by promoting knowledge sharing, innovation, and digitalization in farming and rural areas, aligning with European Green Deal and farm to fork objectives.
- Dissemination of practical knowledge on chosen thematic areas, emphasizing best practices and research findings ready for implementation.
- Long-term preservation of practical knowledge, ensuring accessibility through trusted dissemination channels.
- Enhanced information exchange among farmers and foresters across the EU, with consideration for geographical diversity.
- Greater user acceptance of collected solutions, fostering innovation and the rapid adoption of innovative practices.
The scope of the proposals should include activities such as addressing biodiversity needs for farmers and foresters, compiling a comprehensive description of current farming practices related to biodiversity, emphasizing cost-benefit aspects, delivering accessible end-user materials, and collaborating with relevant agricultural networks.
Proposals must follow a multi-actor approach and run for a minimum of 3 years, aiming to engage farmers, farmer groups, advisors, and other stakeholders in the agriculture sector. Additionally, the networks may establish sub-networks to facilitate cross-fertilization and knowledge sharing among specific regions, languages, or production systems.
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21 rue Jean Rostand 91400 Orsay, France